Tulipop ehf.
Tulipop er margverðlaunað íslenskt hugverk fyrir börn, innblásið af íslenskri náttúru og fjölbreytileika. Tulipop ævintýraheimurinn hefur notið mikilla vinsælda um áraraðir, en krakkar um allan heim geta í dag kynnst Tulipop heiminum og persónum hans í gegnum vandaðar teiknimyndir, bækur, tónlist, og fjölbreytt úrval af fallegum vörum, en teiknimyndir sem byggja á ævintýraheimi Tulipop eru nú í sýningum í um 10 löndum utan Íslands.
Skrifstofa Tulipop í Reykjavík er í Grósku, Vatnsmýri. Frekari upplýsingar um Tulipop má finna á www.tulipop.is.
Marketing Specialist
Tulipop is looking for an ambitious and independent marketing specialist to manage marketing and sales internationally. As a rapidly growing company we are seeking a versatile marketing specialist to manage a wide range of tasks, including on multiple platforms. The marketing specialist will report directly to the CEO and will be responsible for managing campaigns and content that highlights our high-quality children's TV series and merchandise.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
The marketing specialist will:
- Create, oversee, and implement a detailed marketing calendar that aligns with company objectives, ensuring campaigns are executed on time and effectively.
- Oversee social media posts on platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram across international markets.
- Ensure effective allocation of resources to meet business goals.
- Collaborate with international marketing agencies and other partners.
- Engage with audiences by responding to messages, comments, and interactions on social media.
- Write copy for social media posts and press releases.
- Manage and schedule posts on LinkedIn.
- Supervise the website and drive sales initiatives.
- Design, create, and manage marketing emails through Klaviyo.
- Produce simple compositions and content using Canva.
- Execute and manage various other tasks.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
The marketing specialst must:
- Demonstrate initiative, professionalism, and ambition in all tasks.
- Maintain excellent interpersonal skills, adaptability, and a positive attitude.
- Use efficient work methods with strong organizational skills and independence.
- Communicate and collaborate effectively with various teams and stakeholders.
- Possess an understanding of brand management with the ability to maintain and enhance the company’s brand identity through strategic marketing efforts.
Auglýsing birt20. nóvember 2024
Umsóknarfrestur1. desember 2024
Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavík
Sambærileg störf (9)
Sölu- og markaðsfulltrúi
Verkefnastjóri Söludeildar
SEO & Integration Specialist
Ráðagóður ritstjóri
Marketing Specialist
Borealis Data Center
Samskiptateymi leitar eftir öflugum verkefnastjóra
Sérfræðingur í stafrænum markaðsmálum
Sölu, markaðs og innkaupafulltrúi
Social Media Assistant & Content Creator
Ice Explorers