Canopy Reykjavik | City Centre
Canopy Reykjavik | City Center is located at Hljómalindarreit in the center of Reykjavík. Canopy is a hotel brand owned by Hilton International and this hotel was the first hotel in the world to be opened by the chain.
At Canopy, we've got you covered. Our rooms and suites are styled in shades of ocean and volcanic rock and have all the comforts you crave.
Local art fills the walls in our boutique rooms and suites.
There's plenty to discover at this Reykjavik hotel such as local art, a lush courtyard and evening tastings of local beverages and spirits. The in house Geiri Smart Restaurant is where award-winning chefs come together to create original culinary adventures. Pick up a gift for a foodie in our café, or work off some steam in the fitness room.
Canopy Reykjavík City Center is operated by Iceland Hotel Collection by Berjaya. Iceland Hotel Collection by Berjaya welcomes guests from all over the world with a wide selection of quality hotels, restaurants and spas under well-known brands.
They all combine the destination Iceland and our excellent employees's knowledge of the country and decades of experience in serving domestic and foreign guests and customers.

Vaktstjóri í sal - Restaurant Supervisor Geiri Smart
Canopy By Hilton City Centre Hotel leitar að öflugum og metnaðarfullum vaktstjóra í sal á veitingastaðinn Geira Smart. Um fullt starf er að ræða í vaktvinnu.
Canopy By Hilton City Centre Hotel is looking for strong and ambitious restaurant supervisor to lead a team at Geiri Smart Restaurant. Full time position shift work.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Undirbúningur veitingasalar fyrir gesti
- Fagleg móttaka og þjónusta gesta í sal
- Ábyrgð og umsjón með vakt
- Aðstoð við mönnun og skipulagningu vakta
- Frágangur í sal og á veitingastað
- Önnur tilfallandi verkefni
- Preparing the restaurant for guests arrival
- Professional greeting and guest service
- Responsibility and supervision on the shift
- Assisting manager regarding shift planning and staffing
- Clearing up in the restaurant before closing
- Other incidental tasks
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- Sveinspróf í framreiðslu kostur
- Reynsla af þjónustustörfum skilyrði
- Góð enskukunnátta skilyrði
- Íslenskukunnátta kostur
- Rík þjónustulund og vönduð framkoma
- Góð samskipta- og samstarfshæfni
- Frumkvæði, skipulagshæfni og sjálfstæð vinnubrögð
- Snyrtimennska, stundvísi og sveigjanleiki
- Jákvæðni og vilji til að takast á við fjölbreytt verkefni
- Culinary degree is an advantage
- Service experience required
- Good English knowledge in speaking and writing
- Icelandic knowledge is an advantage
- Excellent customer service skills
- Good communication and coworking skills
- Initiative, organizational skills, and independent work ethics
- Tidiness, punctuality, and flexibility
- Positivity and problem-solving skills
Fríðindi í starfi
Fæðis- og afsláttarhlunnindi / Food- and discount benefits
Auglýsing birt5. mars 2025
Umsóknarfrestur16. mars 2025

Smiðjustígur 4, 101 Reykjavík
Sambærileg störf (12)

We are hiring!
Sæta Húsið

Afgreiðsla eða Crêpes gerð - Akureyri
Sykurverk Café

Sumarstörf í Hvammsvík
Hvammsvík Sjóböð ehf

Reyndir þjónar / experianced waiters
LiBRARY bistro/bar

Job Opening: Shift Leader – Tokyo Sushi Keflavík
Tokyo Sushi Reykjanesbæ

Matreiðslumaður/ Chef de partie
Hótel Búðir ehf.

Aðstoðarmenn matreiðslumaður í eldhúsi / cooker in kitchen
Bambus Restaurant

Hressir Þjónar í hlutastarf ! :)
Fjallkonan - krá & kræsingar

Mathús Garðbæjar óskar eftir starfsmönnum
Mathús Garðabæjar

Tapas barinn

Afgreiðsla í Mötuneyti
Sælkeramatur ehf.

Akureyri - North of Iceland RUB23 Þjónn/waiter
Rub 23