Iceland Travel

Iceland Travel

Your Proud Local Hosts
Iceland Travel
Um vinnustaðinn
Since 1937, Iceland Travel has been the leading travel company, tour operator, and destination management company (DMC) in Iceland. Our active product development is built on cooperation with our community, network of local suppliers and, most importantly, critical feedback from our clients and guests. Our travel and service portfolio include the following: • FIT /individual traveler packages & single services • FIT tailor-made requests • Special interest groups • Conference & events • Incentive & meetings • Luxury travel with our Nine Worlds by Iceland Travel team • Shore excursions and cruise services • Charter flights Why work with us? We love what we do and our passion drives our success! We are deeply committed to our people, our natural environment, and the communities in which we operate. Our people are our most important resource Iceland Travel is an equal opportunity employer and prides itself on having a diverse group of employees. We understand the importance of nurturing growth—that’s why we fully support educational and professional development opportunities for our people. We are also a family-oriented company that enables its employees to harmonize their professional and private lives. In line with that effort, we strictly follow and uphold Iceland’s laws, which mandate equal pay, gender equity, and generous family leave policies. We respect our natural environment We are deeply committed to sustainable tourism and hold Iceland’s unique ecosystem in the highest regard. We strive to keep our country a vibrant and exciting destination for generations to come. We proudly meet the comprehensive assessment criteria of VAKINN’s Gold-Class Environmental standards. Our membership in Vakinn Quality System and our adherence to its code of ethics underpins our commitment to be a force for good. We support our local communities We understand our responsibility to the communities in which we operate. We are committed to supporting certified, local suppliers and small businesses in Iceland that meet our strict quality standards. This commitment ensures that our guests enjoy unique and authentic Icelandic experiences while also supporting economic and social advancement in Iceland’s rural and urban communities.


Meginmarkmið jafnlaunavottunar er að vinna gegn kynbundnum launamun og stuðla að jafnrétti kynjanna á vinnumarkaði.


Fyrirtækið hefur bundið kolefni á móti losun tengdri starfsemi (að hluta eða öllu leyti)

Ábyrg ferðaþjónusta

Ábyrg ferða­þjón­usta er hvatn­ing­ar­verk­efni um að ís­lensk ferða­þjón­ustu­fyr­ir­tæki sam­mæl­ist um nokkr­ar skýr­ar og ein­fald­ar að­gerð­ir um ábyrga ferða­þjón­ustu. Til­gang­ur verk­efn­is­ins er að stuðla að því að Ís­land verði ákjós­an­leg­ur áfanga­stað­ur ferða­manna um ókomna tíð sem styð­ur við sjálf­bærni fyr­ir kom­andi kyn­slóð­ir þjóð­ar­inn­ar.
Skógarhlíð 12, 105 Reykjavík
House of Travel Brands
Iceland Travel is part of Travel Connect, a leading tourism company that brings together 6 reputable and independent travel brands.
General Application
We are always on the lookout for talented people, if that’s you, here’s your chance to get in touch.






