Iceland Tours

Iceland Tours

Iceland Tours
Um vinnustaðinn
Iceland Tours is a travel agency based in Reykjavik, Iceland. With over 40 years of experience in delivering amazing tour packages to individuals and small groups travelling to Iceland. Iceland Tours is a sub-brand within Terra Nova and the retail arm that handles sales directly to individuals who intend to make their way to Iceland. The goal of Iceland Tours is to provide all customers with excellent service and to achieve that goal, qualified and ambitious staff are key. The company puts emphasis on trust, respect and positivity in communication. We welcome new staff and nurture the training and well-being of all employees. Iceland Tours is proudly certified by Vakinn, the quality certification for Icelandic tourism. Ensuring that we operate in an ethical, professional, and socially- and environmentally sustainable way.

Ábyrg ferðaþjónusta

Ábyrg ferða­þjón­usta er hvatn­ing­ar­verk­efni um að ís­lensk ferða­þjón­ustu­fyr­ir­tæki sam­mæl­ist um nokkr­ar skýr­ar og ein­fald­ar að­gerð­ir um ábyrga ferða­þjón­ustu. Til­gang­ur verk­efn­is­ins er að stuðla að því að Ís­land verði ákjós­an­leg­ur áfanga­stað­ur ferða­manna um ókomna tíð sem styð­ur við sjálf­bærni fyr­ir kom­andi kyn­slóð­ir þjóð­ar­inn­ar.
Bíldshöfði 20, 110 Reykjavík
House of Travel Brands
Iceland Tours is part of Travel Connect, a leading tourism company that brings together 6 reputable and independent travel brands.
General Application
We are always on the lookout for talented people, if that’s you here’s your chance to get in touch.

