Travel Connect

Travel Connect

House of Travel Brands
Travel Connect
Um vinnustaðinn
Travel Connect is a house of travel brands bringing together 9 leading tourism companies in Northern Europe. These are: Terra Nova, Iceland Tours, Nordic Visitor, Iceland Travel, Nine Worlds, Senlinmao, Iceland Unlimited, Corivo and Magma Hotel. Travel Connect is the bridge connecting these brands. We handle support services such as finance, IT, employee experience and online marketing across the company. Our offices are located in Reykjavik, Edinburgh and Stockholm. Our brands leverage their core competencies to service diverse market segments in the travel industry. We specialise in inbound tourism to our destinations in Northern Europe. We employ individuals of all ages, with diverse backgrounds, education, work experiences and hobbies. Travel Connect puts a great emphasis on creating a vibrant and dynamic work environment. We strive to hire excellent employees who show responsibility and ambition, are deeply service-minded and take initiative in their work. Please note that managers in all Travel Connect brands may have access to your application. If you would like to restrict access to your application to one brand, please state this in your application.


Meginmarkmið jafnlaunavottunar er að vinna gegn kynbundnum launamun og stuðla að jafnrétti kynjanna á vinnumarkaði.

VR - Fyrirtæki ársins 2023

VR veitir 5 fyrirtækjum í hverjum stærðarflokki viðurkenninguna Fyrirtæki ársins út frá viðhorfi starfsmanna til helstu lykilþátta í starfsumhverfinu. Þeir eru stjórnun, starfsandi, launakjör, vinnuaðstaða, sveigjanleiki, sjálfstæði í starfi, ímynd, ánægja og jafnrétti.

VR - Fyrirmyndarfyrirtæki 2022

VR veitir 15 fyrirtækjum í hverjum stærðarflokki viðurkenninguna Fyrirtæki ársins út frá viðhorfi starfsmanna til helstu lykilþátta í starfsumhverfinu. Þeir eru stjórnun, starfsandi, launakjör, vinnuaðstaða, sveigjanleiki, sjálfstæði í starfi, ímynd, ánægja og jafnrétti.


Fyrirtækið hefur bundið kolefni á móti losun tengdri starfsemi (að hluta eða öllu leyti)
Bíldshöfði 20, 110 Reykjavík
Why work with us?
A key factor in our success is the contribution, knowledge, ambition and positive attitude of everyone who works at Travel Connect and our brands. Travel Connect is an equal opportunities employer and prides itself on having a diverse group of employees. We are a family-orientated company and are taking various active steps to achieve a greater work-life balance for all our employees. Travel Connect and its brands have clear policies in place to prevent bullying, harassment and violence in the workplace. There are also clear procedures should any such events occur.
We are committed to sustainability
Travel Connect recognizes that the natural environment of our destinations is our greatest asset. As the home of several travel brands, it is also fundamental to our continuous growth and viability that the environment is managed in a sustainable way. We seek to pro-actively ensure that we are as locally sustainable as possible. This is to maintain biodiversity, avoid irreversible environmental changes and create value for the company itself, society and the environment. We are committed to supporting certified, local suppliers and small businesses that meet our strict quality standards in all our destinations. This commitment supports the socio-economic growth in these communities while providing unique and authentic experiences to our guests. Travel Connect, along with its brands Nordic Visitor, Iceland Travel, Terra Nova, Iceland Tours, Iceland Unlimited and Nine Worlds, is also a member of Travelife. This is an internationally recognized training, management, and certification programme for sustainability in tourism. Travelife has a 3-stage approach, and Travel Connect is currently at the second stage, Travelife Partner. We were the first in Iceland to have achieved this certification. Now, we are working towards the third and final level, Travelife Certified, and we will undergo the onsite audit in the middle of November 2023. Our success is built on responsible practices and we aim to establish trust through our communication with suppliers, local communities and customers. We treat all stakeholders with respect, and we strive to ensure that our suppliers operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner too.

