Vanur vélamaður í viðhald
English below
Lýsi leitar að vönum vélamanni í viðhald
Leitum að drífandi manneskju með fjölbreytta reynslu í viðhaldi véla nýlegrar og tæknilegrar verksmiðju að Fiskislóð í Reykjavík. Þar fer fram reglubundið viðhald á vélum og búnaði verksmiðjunnar. Um er að ræða fjölbreytt og spennandi starf á vel tækjum búnu verkstæði.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð:
- Viðhald á framleiðslubúnaði
- Tilfallandi viðhald á húsnæði
- Eftirlit og kvörðun mæla sem tengjast framleiðsluferli
- Stjórnun og viðhald stoðkerfa
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur:
- Vélstjórn, vélvirkjun eða sambærileg menntun
- Fjölbreytt reynsla af viðhaldi véla og tækja
- Nákvæmni og sjálfstæði í vinnubrögðum
- Góð samskiptahæfni og þjónustulund
Áhugasöm eru hvött til að sækja um hér á Alfreð. Farið verður með allar umsóknir sem trúnaðarmál. Öllum umsóknum svarað.
Workshop technician
Lysi is looking for an experienced maintenance mechanic
We are seeking for a driven individual with a broad range of experience to join our maintenance department, located in a state-of-the-art factory at Fiskislóð in Reykjavík. The role primarily involves the regular maintenance of the factory's machinery and equipment. The position offers a dynamic and stimulating job within a supportive working environment.
Field of work:
• Maintenance of production equipment.
• Occasional maintenance of premises.
• Monitoring and calibration of meters related to the production process.
• Management and maintenance of support systems.
• Mechanical engineering, mechanics or similar education.
• Wide range of experience in machine and equipment maintenance.
• Accuracy and independence in working methods.
• Good communication and customer service skills.
Interested parties are encouraged to apply through Alfreð. All applications will be handled with confidentiality, and all applications answered.
It is desirable that the ideal candidate would be available to start work at the earlies opportunity.
Lýsi is a well-established company that produces health products from marine products and exports to over 70 countries. The activities are based on a cohesive and positive staff whose guiding principles are quality and service. At Lýsi, a diverse and amusing group of people works, and it is Lýsi's goal to make the staff participants in the company's well-being and thus create a strong team that competes for the same goal. Lýsis' working spirit is characterized by honesty, positivity, responsibility and respect.
Lýsi employs around 130 people and has offices in Reykjavik and Thorlakshofn.
Learn more about Lýsi at
- Líkamsræktarstyrkur
- Hjólageymsla
- Sturtuaðstaða