Alvotech hf
Alvotech hf
Alvotech hf

Starfsfólk í vöruhús / Warehouse Operator

Starfsfólk í vöruhúsi Alvotech ber ábyrgð á móttöku, frágangi og meðhöndlun hráefna sem notuð eru við framleiðslu líftæknilyfja í samræmi við gæðaferla Alvotech og gæðastaðla (cGMP). Í dag starfa 14 manns í deildinni sem staðsett er á tveimur stöðum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og leitum við að starfsfólki til að mæta nýjum áskorunum. Vinna fer fram á dag-, kvöldvöktum og næturvöktum

Umfang og ábyrgð:

  • Móttaka, frágangur og meðhöndlun hráefna í samræmi við gæðaferla Alvotech og gæðastaðla (cGMP).
  • Þátttaka í daglegum verkefnum vöruhússins í samvinnu við gæðadeildir Alvotech.
  • Aðstoð við úrlausn mála sem koma upp er varða vörumóttöku.
  • Vinna við reglulegar vörutalningar og almenna birgðastýringu.
  • Vera virkur í umbótavinnu og koma að gerð vinnulýsinga.
  • Þátttaka í reglulegum úttektum sem framkvæmdar eru af eftirlitsstofnunum.


  • Reynsla af starfi í vöruhúsi æskileg.
  • Reynsla af störfum í vöruhúsi lyfjafyrirtækja eða fyrirtækja með sambærilegar gæðakröfur er mikill kostur.
  • Bílpróf skilyrði, lyftarapróf kostur.
  • Þekking á gæðastöðlum mikill kostur.
  • Frumkvæði, nákvæmi og vilji til að veita góða þjónustu til innri og ytri viðskiptavina.


Alvotech's warehouse operators are responsible for all warehouse duties e.g. receiving, storing and handling materials that are used for the manufacturing of biosimilar medicines according to Alvotech´s quality procedures and work in accordance to cGMP. Today, 14 people work in the warehouse which is located at two places in the capital area. Working in day, evening and night shifts is required.

Scope and responsibility:

  • Assist with all warehouse duties e.g. receiving, storing and handling materials in the warehouse according to Alvotech´s quality procedures and work in accordance to cGMP.
  • Assist running the warehouse working with Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
  • Assist with troubleshooting any issues with deliveries
  • Support inventory discrepancies through cycle counts and root cause investigations
  • Provide support and business improvements for written procedures, SOPs etc.
  • Contribute as required to regular Audits and any other interactions with regulatory agencies.

Job requirements:

  • Warehouse experience and cGMP experience preferred due to operational needs.
  • Warehouse experience preferably in the Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry or in a similarly regulated industry would be advantageous.
  • Driving license is an essential requirement. Certification to operate a forklift would be advantageous.
  • Demonstrate a can do attitude. Customer service skills with internal/ external stakeholders. Due diligent with an eye for detail.

What we offer:

  • An inspiring challenge to work with great co-workers on ambitious projects that change people's lives.
  • The chance to be a part of a global and fast-growing company.
  • An international work culture that encourages diversity, collaboration, and inclusion.
  • Positive, flexible, and innovative work environment.
  • Support for personal growth and internal career development.
  • Company social events and milestone celebrations.
  • Excellent in-house canteen and coffee house.
  • Exercise and well-being support for full-time employees.
  • On-site shower facility.
  • Transportation grant towards eco-friendly modes of travel for full-time employees.
  • Internet at home for full-time employees.

Why Alvotech

At Alvotech, we are passionate about improving lives by increasing access to affordable biologics. We’re purpose-driven and committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse working environment that encourages curiosity, ingenuity, and simplicity. We want our employees to feel inspired in their careers, challenged by interesting and meaningful work, and empowered to succeed in an agile environment.

True to our Icelandic roots, we also believe that integrity, gender equality, and fairness are foundational. We strive to bring together the brightest minds, regardless of backgrounds and beliefs, to deliver to our partners and patients around the world. Let’s create a healthier world together through affordable biologic medicines.

Auglýsing birt21. febrúar 2025
Umsóknarfrestur2. mars 2025
Sæmundargata 15-19 15R, 101 Reykjavík