Seasonal full- and part time.
Seasonal fulltime and partime jobs at 2Guys
Við á 2Guys erum að leita eftir hressum og skemmtilegum einstaklingum í starf í eldhúsinu hjá okkur og önnur tilfallandi verkefni. Ef þú ert stundvís, hress, skemmtileg/ur, snyrtileg/ur elskar að vera í kringum nýtt fólk og þjónustulundin er í hámarki, þá gætum við verið rétti staðurinn fyrir þig.
Við leitum eftir einstaklingum á 2-2-3 vaktir og hlutastörf á kvöldin og um helgar.
Reynsla af vinnu í eldhúsi er mikill kostur.
ATH. 18 ára aldurstakmark
We at 2Guys are looking for cheerful and fun people to work in our kitchen.. If you are punctual, cheerful, fun, tidy, love to be around new people and have a high level of customer service, then we could be the right place for you.
Experience working in a kitchen is a great advantage.
We are looking for a persons to be working 2-2-3 shifts and part time on evenings and weekends.
Please note Icelandic speaking is a big factor but if you speak excellent english you will be considered as well.
NOTICE! Applicants need to speak flawless english or icelandic.
*2Guys was voted the best newcomber burgerplace in Reykjavik 2022 and then the best burger in Reykjavik 2024&2025 by Reykjavik Grapevine.