Rannsóknarmaður á þróunardeild líftæknilyfja - Frumuræktun
Alvotech leitar að einstaklingi til að vinna með öflugu lífvísindateymi sem sérhæfir sig í þróun frumuræktunar ferla til framleiðslu á líftæknilyfjahliðstæðum.
Helstu verkefni:
Vinna á rannsóknarstofu og meðhöndlun á ýmsum tækjum og búnaði sem tengjast ræktun á erfðabreyttum frumum og framleiðslu á einstofna mótefnum, þar á meðal ræktunartönkum í mismunandi stærðum.
Tilraunir, gagnasöfnun, mat, greining og skýrslugerðir með megin markmið að þróa skilvirkan frumuræktunar feril fyrir framleiðslu á líftæknilyfjum.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur:
Háskólagráða; BSc eða MSc (æskilegt) innan líftækni, iðnaðarlíftækni, lífefnafræði, lífefnaverkfræði, lyfjafræði eða skyldra greina. Nýútskrifaðir eru hvattir til að sækja um.
Reynsla í sterílli vinnu og frumuræktun er æskileg.
Góð hæfni til að skrifa tæknilegar skýrslur og greina vísindaniðurstöður með forritum eins og Excel, JMP eða sambærilegu.
Mjög gott vald á ensku, bæði munnlegri og skriflegri.
- Frumkvæði, skipulagshæfni og sterkur áhugi á lífvísindum.
Við bjóðum upp á skemmtilegt og krefjandi starf í alþjóðlegu umhverfi ásamt fjölbreyttum tækifærum til starfsþróunar. Ef þú hefur áhuga á þessu spennandi tækifæri, hvetjum við þig til að kynna þér það betur á heimasíðu okkar.
Við hvetjum þig einnig til að skoða starfasíðuna okkar: Join us - Alvotech - Better Access Better Lives sem veitir góða innsýn í vinnustaðamenningu, gildin okkar og það frumkvöðla starf sem við stöndum fyrir.
Upstream Process Development (R&D) - Scientist
Alvotech is seeking a dedicated cell culture scientist to join our Upstream Process (USP) Research and Development (R&D) team. As a scientist, you will play a crucial role in our USP team developing a small-scale bioreactor process for subsequent scale-up and transfer to a manufacturing environment for production of biosimilars.
Scope and responsibility:
Mammalian cell culture at different USP stages spanning from shake flasks, rocker bioreactor, Ambr250 and up to 15L production bioreactors, finalized by cell clarification.
General lab management on daily basis and operational work with bioreactor systems and associated analytical instruments.
Experimental execution and data collection, evaluation and analysis for effective upstream process development, optimization and characterization.
Technical report writing to feed into successful technology transfer to pilot/manufacturing scale and support of regulatory submission.
Qualifications and skills
University degree; BSc or MSc (Preferred) within biotechnology, biochemistry, biochemical engineering or related field.
Work experience in the field of biotechnology or comparable for 1-3 years is an advantage.
Hands on experience in aseptic techniques, cell culture in bioreactor systems and cell clarification is desirable.
Strong ability to analyze and evaluate scientific data using relevant software’s such as Excel, JMP or comparable.
Strong documentation skills for technical report writing with great organizational skills and attention to detail.
Excellent command of the English language, both verbal and written, with the ability to communicate fluently.
High interest and understanding within the field of biopharmaceutical development and associated GMP principles.
Scientific mindset, solution oriented, great team player with good adaptability and positive attitude.
Flexibility and able to support lab activities in evenings and weekends, if required.
We offer a fun and challenging job in an international environment with diverse opportunities for professional development. If this exciting opportunity interests you, we invite you to explore further details on our website.
We encourage you to visit our Career page (link: Join us - Alvotech - Better Access Better Lives) It offers valuable insights into our culture, values, and the innovative work we do.
- An inspiring challenge to work with great co-workers on ambitious projects that change people's lives.
- The chance to be a part of a global and fast-growing company.
- An international work culture that encourages diversity, collaboration and inclusion.
- Positive, flexible, and innovative work environment.
- Support for personal growth and internal career development.
- Company social events and milestone celebrations.
- Excellent in-house canteen and coffee house.
- Exercise and wellbeing support for full-time employees.
- On-site shower facility.
- Transportation grant towards eco-friendly modes of travel for full-time employees.
- Internet at home for full-time employees.