Alvotech hf
Alvotech er fjölþjóðlegt hátæknifyrirtæki í fremstu röð, þar sem yfir 1000 starfsmenn af um 64 þjóðernum vinna að því að móta framtíðina á sviði líftæknilyfja og auka aðgengi sjúklinga um allan heim að hágæða lyfjum. Margir af færustu vísindamönnum landsins starfa hjá fyrirtækinu.
Við leyfum fjölbreytileika, forvitni og frumkvæði starfsfólks að njóta sín. Við bjóðum aðlaðandi starfsumhverfi í stöðugri mótun og ögrandi verkefni. Alvotech tryggir að jafnrétti kynjanna til launa og frama nái til allra starfsmanna, hérlendis jafnt sem erlendis. Við viljum laða að okkur færasta fólkið á hverju sviði, án tillits til uppruna eða kyns. Með þessum hætti getum við best þjónað hagsmunum sjúklinga og samstarfsaðilum okkar.
Vertu með okkur í að bæta lífsgæði fólks og auka aðgengi að hagkvæmum líftæknilyfjum.

QC Analytical Testing - Scientist
A scientist in the Quality Control Product testing team plays a vital part at Alvotech by participating in the quality control and release of products manufactured at Alvotech. We are looking for an individual who has a positive attitude, embraces challenges, is flexible and adaptive, and shares our values of team spirit and team efforts.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Performs routine analytical testing with advanced analytical techniques such as Liquid Chromatography (LC), Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), compendial methods of in-process and release sample, functional testing of finished product, and reviews analytical test records to support manufacturing operations during 24/7 operations (shift-based work schedule).
- Performing routine cleaning, verification, stock checks, and upkeep of laboratory and equipment
- Performing activities required to support testing, e.g., buffer preparation
- Participate in the creation and maintenance of quality documents within Alvotech.
- Contributes to other documentation reviews and/or updates within the Quality management system.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- Bachelor's Degree in a relevant scientific discipline and at least 1-5 years of relevant experience in the pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical sector.
- Proficient in using a PC and common Microsoft packages such as Word and Excel.
- Understanding and review of electronic data from instrument software.
- Knowledge of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and documentation Rules is an asset.
- Ability to work on a 24/7 shift-based pattern work schedule
Fríðindi í starfi
- An inspiring challenge to work with great co-workers on ambitious projects that change people's lives.
- The chance to be a part of a global and fast-growing company.
- An international work culture that encourages diversity, collaboration, and inclusion.
- Positive, flexible, and innovative work environment.
- Support for personal growth and internal career development.
- Company social events and milestone celebrations.
- Excellent in-house canteen and coffee house.
- Exercise and well-being support for full-time employees.
- On-site shower facility.
- Transportation grant towards eco-friendly modes of travel for full-time employees.
- Internet at home for full-time employees.
Auglýsing birt19. mars 2025
Umsóknarfrestur9. apríl 2025

Sæmundargata 15-19 15R, 101 Reykjavík
Fleiri störf (4)
Sambærileg störf (12)

Sérfræðingur á sviði skráninga
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Lyfjafræðingur á Akureyri

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Lyfja Egilsstöðum - Lyfjafræðingur

Verkfræðingur í vöruþróun

Alvotech Akademían Quality Control
Alvotech hf

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