Akthelia Pharmaceuticals
Akthelia Pharmaceuticals is an early-stage biotech startup working on breakthrough technology to improve oncology outcomes through immunomodulation.
Akthelia´s lead compound (AKT-011 Febrile Neutropenia) is entering IND enabling studies with the main objective to start a Phase 1a clinical study in 2025.
We have just raised funding to ready ourselves for IND-enabling studies in Q4 of this year and were very recently jointly awarded a $6.6M EU Horizon grant, which is highly competitive and serves as a strong validation of the strength that others see in our approach.

Pharmaceutical drug development
Akthelia is looking for an R&D Manager. Our lead AKT-011 programme, a small molecule, orally available NCE, is targeting the very large opportunity to improve outcomes in cancer chemotherapy and we have IP around a broad class of compound with potential application to many areas of medicine with high unmet need. Our approach is to upregulate the innate immunology of epithelial surfaces. The AKT-011 is at late preclinical stage, we plan to start human studies in 2026.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Develop and manage project timelines, budgets, and resources, and report project status to internal parties (executive team, board of directors) and external parties incl third party providers.
- Establish and maintain relationships with CROs and other external partners to ensure timely and high-quality delivery of preclinical and clinical development activities.
- Identify and manage project risks and develop mitigation strategies to ensure that project objectives are achieved.
- Monitor compliance with regulatory requirements and guidelines for IND preparation.
- Coordinate and lead project team meetings to ensure alignment and effective communication among team members.
- Oversee the preparation and submission of the IND package to the regulatory authorities.
- Identify grant funding opportunities and write up compelling proposals and statement of work, submit and manage grant proposals, and furnish prospective funders with supporting documents.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- Graduate or higher studies in a relevant scientific or medical field.
- Good project management skills, with the ability to develop and manage a project timeline within budget.
- Preferable:
- 1-3 years of experience in clinical development and medical affairs in the biotech or pharmaceutical industry.
- Good understanding of preclinical and clinical development and medical affairs, including study design, execution, and reporting, FDA, EMA and ICH guidelines and regulations.
- Ability to identify and manage clinical development and medical affairs risks.
- Knowledge of CMC and drug development.
Auglýsing birt7. mars 2025

Grandagarður 16, 101 Reykjavík
ÁætlanagerðFrumkvæðiFræðigreinarRannsóknirSjálfstæð vinnubrögðSkipulagSkýrslurUppbygging vinnsluskrárVerkefnastjórnunVinnsla rannsóknargagna
Sambærileg störf (12)

Lyfjafræðingur á Selfossi
Lyfjaval ehf

Lyfjafræðingur á næturvöktum
Lyfjaval ehf

Lyfjaval ehf

Reyndur Sérfræðingur/Senior Scientist - Potency & Binding
Alvotech hf

Sumarstörf 2025 - Framúrskarandi háskólanemar

Sumarstarf í seiðaeldi
Samherji fiskeldi ehf.

Sumarstarfsmaður á rannsóknarstofu GAJA

QC Lab Management Specialist
Alvotech hf

Líffræðingur eða sameindalíffræðingur á sameindameinafræðideild

QC/QA sérfræðingur
Enzymatica ehf.

Sérfræðingur í þróun lyfjaforma
Coripharma ehf.

Lyfjafræðingur á Akureyri