Coripharma ehf.
Coripharma ehf.
Coripharma ehf.

Operator in packaging

Coripharma in Hafnarfjörður is looking for operators for the packaging team in production. We are looking for individuals with a positive attitude and good work ethics, who can work independently as well as collaborate in a team.

New employees will receive training in tasks and processes related to packaging of pharmaceuticals and good manufacturing practice (cGMP).

The packaging team is working on shifts.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
  • Packaging of tablets and capsules in blisters, cartons and bottles according to quality standards
  • Cleaning of working areas in packaging and line clearance
  • Taking care of machine settings  
  • Perform appropriate testing during the packaging process and fill in documents
  • Prepare goods for export
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
  • Education and experience that is relevant for the role
  • Experience of manufacturing/packaging or similar industry is an advantage
  • Honesty and punctuality
  • Organized and disciplined working methods
  • Positive attitude and good communication skills
  • Good English skills
Auglýsing birt17. september 2024
Umsóknarfrestur29. október 2024
Reykjavíkurvegur 76, 220 Hafnarfjörður
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