EFTA Secretariat
EFTA Secretariat
EFTA Secretariat

Officer - Intellectual property and legal issues - TRD VA 18

The advertised position is placed in the Trade Relations Division of the EFTA Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, consisting of a tightly knit team of 12 staff members. The Division provides comprehensive services to Member States related to the exploration, negotiation, administration, and modernisation of EFTA’s preferential trade relations.

The successful candidate will have substantive, analytical and organisational responsibilities in support of EFTA’s engagement with partner countries outside the European Union. Her/his specific area of responsibility will centre on issues pertaining to the area of legal and institutional issues including dispute settlement, trade remedies and competition in EFTA free trade agreements as well as the legal review of agreements concluded or modernised. The position will also extend to a range of other trade policy questions, e.g. the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) or other fields covered by EFTA’s comprehensive free trade agreements and country desk responsibilities (coordination of EFTA’s preferential trade relations with several partner countries). Depending on the candidate’s profile the position offered may also involve work related to EFTA’s internal policy on data protection.

More about this position: https://jobs.efta.int/wd/plsql/wd_portal.show_job?p_web_site_id=564&p_web_page_id=576537

Auglýsing birt8. janúar 2025
Umsóknarfrestur31. janúar 2025
Mjög góð
Rue de Varembé 9-11, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland