Pollard Digital Solutions
Pollard Digital Solutions is a full-solution supplier of lottery management and iLottery technology for world-wide lottery markets. The company is owned by Pollard Banknote Ltd. – a leading partner to more than 60 lotteries worldwide, providing high quality instant ticket products, licensed games, retail merchandising solutions, and a full suite of digital offerings. Established in 1907 in Winnipeg, Canada, Pollard Banknote is owned approximately 66.7% by the Pollard family and is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (PBL).
Pollard Digital Solutions – EU Icelandic operation is a technology development centre with approximately forty staff specializing in product development and product management. The Office Administrator is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the office, ensuring a productive and efficient work environment. This role includes a variety of administrative tasks, coordinating office activities, and supporting staff to ensure organizational effectiveness.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Maintain office services by organizing office operations and procedures, controlling correspondence, designing filing systems, reviewing, and approving supply requisitions, and assigning and monitoring clerical functions.
- Maintain office efficiency by planning and implementing office systems, layouts, and equipment procurement.
- Assist with the setup of IT equipment such as computers, monitors and other equipment. Collaborate with IT to ensure proper installation and connectivity of software and network equipments
- Ordering supplies for the kitchen, keeping the kitchen clean, and communicating with the cleaning staff to ensure the office is kept clean.
- Assist in planning and executing company events and meetings.
- Support project teams with administrative tasks and coordination.
- Preparing the meeting room when PDS has visitors and local workshops. Cleaning, preparing coffee and coordinating catering. Booking restaurants as directed for evening meals with staff and guests
- Communication as required with the landlord and other service providers relative to the day-to-day operation of the facility.
- Work closely with Finance team leader and other staff in Austria, Serbia and Spain.
- Work with parent company as required.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- 2-5 years of relevant experience in Office Administrator role.
- A flexible can-do attitude, good interpersonal skills
- Excellent written and spoken English skills
Auglýsing birt30. nóvember 2024
Umsóknarfrestur31. desember 2024
Mjög góðNauðsyn
Urðarhvarf 6, 203 Kópavogur
Fleiri störf (2)
Sambærileg störf (12)
Þjónustustjóri - Heilsugæslan Mosfellsumdæmi
Heilsugæsla Höfuðborgarsvæðisins
Bókari 100% starf - framtíðarstarf
Epal hf.
HSE Bókhald & Uppgjör ehf.
Starfsmaður óskast í móttöku verkstæðis
Bílaspítalinn ehf
Sérfræðingur í umsjónardeild á Suðursvæði
Deildarstjóri í launadeild
Sérfræðingur í innheimtu
Arion banki
Þjónustufulltrúi skipulags- og byggingarmála
Sérfræðingur á skrifstofu SSF – launavinnsla og fjármál
Samtök starfsmanna fjármálafyrirtækja
Símsvörun - þjónustuver
Þjónustustjóri - Heilsugæslan Seltjarnarnes og Vesturbær
Heilsugæsla Höfuðborgarsvæðisins
Tjónafulltrúi ferðatjóna
Vörður tryggingar