Hótel Vík í Myrdal
Hótel Vík í Myrdal er nýlegt og glæsilegt hótel. Þægilegur veitingastaður er á hótelinu ásamt bar, líkamsrækt, fundarsölum ofl. Við leggjum mikla áherslu á ráðningarferlið til að hópurinn okkar samanstandi af því besta sem býðst hverju sinni.
Night Shift Receptionist starting end of March - Hotel Vík
We are looking for an experienced Night Shift Receptionist to join our team at Hótel Vík in Mýrdal. The position offered is full-time and long-term. A private room is provided for a fee in shared accommodation (kitchen and bathroom) within walking distance of the workplace.
Main tasks and responsibilities
Front desk agent (Night Shift) main tasks:
- Welcoming and greeting guests, check-in and check-out procedures, and assigning rooms;
- Booking department (answering e-mails, confirming group reservations, individual bookings), answering phone calls;
- Provide information about the hotel, available rooms, rates and amenities;
- Completing payments for accommodation and extra charges;
- Handling guests issues and complaints in a friendly way, trying to find solutions;
- Concierge service (dinner reservations, recommend/book local tours, attractions in Iceland, etc.);
- Communicating with other internal departments to ensure guest satisfaction;
- Selling souvenirs, postcards, stamps, etc;
- Cleaning common areas
- Performing duties on a checklist;
Educational and skill requirements
- Relevant experience in the hospitality industry
- Excellent customer service and communication skills
- A strong and positive person with great character and confidence
- Ability to work well under pressure
- Excellent written and spoken English (any other language is a plus)
- Adaptability
- Planning, problem-solving and teamwork
- Guest Service
Job benefits
- Full time position for long term period
- Free meals during working hours
- Accommodation is provided for a fee
Auglýsing birt10. mars 2025
Umsóknarfrestur17. mars 2025

Klettsvegur 1, 870 Vík
Sambærileg störf (12)

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