
Mannauðs- and launafulltrúi

Kerecis auglýsir eftir mannauðs- og launafulltrúa til starfa sem fyrst.

Um er að ræða 100% starf og er starfstöð á skrifstofu Kerecis í Reykjavík.

Unnið verður úr umsóknum jafnóðum og þær berast.

Nánari upplýsingar veitir Bjorgvin Bæringsson, forstöðumaður fjármála,

Um Kerecis

Kerecis is pioneering the use of fish skin and fatty acids in the globally expanding cellular-therapy and regenerative-medicine markets. The fatty-acid-rich products from the company’s patented technologies protect the body’s own tissues and enable the body to regenerate tissues.

Developed and manufactured in Isafjordur, Iceland, Kerecis medical products are authorized for sale in Europe, the United States. and several other jurisdictions for human-tissue repair. Thousands of patients are treated annually with our technology. And we are broadening our product line to address many more types of soft-tissue damage.

We are a fast-growing company rooted in science and environmental sustainability. Today more than 600 employees are led by an experienced management team, board of directors and scientific advisory board. We have regional headquarters in the United States, Germany and Iceland. Kerecis is part of Coloplast, the leading global supplier of intimate healthcare products.

The company's vision is to extend life by supporting the body’s own ability to regenerate. Our mission is to become the world leader in tissue regeneration by sustainably harnessing nature’s own remedies. For more information, visit

Main tasks and responsibilities
  • Upplýsingagjöf til starfsfólks um launa- og kjaramál
  • Hafa umsjón með rafrænu tímaskráningakerfi 
  • Útreikningur á launum og launatengdum liðum
  • Skilagreinar vegna lífeyrissjóða, stéttarfélaga og skattayfirvalda
  • Halda utan um grunnskráningu starfsmannaupplýsinga í kerfum
  • Stuðningur við ráðningar, móttaka nýrra starfsmanna og nýliðaþjálfun
  • Ráðgjöf og stuðningur við stjórnendur og starfsfólk í mannauðstengdum málum
  • Umsjón með árlegu frammistöðumati starfsmanna
Educational and skill requirements

Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur

  • Tveggja ára reynsla af sambærilegu starfi æskileg
  • Þekking á DK launakerfi
  • Góð almenn tölvukunnátta, Excel, Word
  • Hagnýt þekking á regluverki m.t.t. til launa
  • Skipulagshæfni
  • Góð hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum
Auglýsing birt11. september 2024
EnskaEnskaMjög góð
Laugavegur 77, 101 Reykjavík