Hótel Húsafell
Hótel Húsafell er fallegt hótel með 48 herbergjum, fundaraðstöðu, 2 veitingastöðum, sundlaug og annarri afþreyingu.
Að sumri er einning tjaldsvæði með pláss fyrir bæði hjólhýsi og tjöld.
Húsafell Chef (CDP) Hotel Restaurant
Hótel Húsafell is hiring a chef starting from september 2024 and we are looking for motivated and ambitious person for our hotel Kitchen and can offer what many hospitality professionals dream of, we work on shifts, 7 days on and 7 days off and a real sense of pride in work well done. We look for talent who share a common goal - people who, by nature, believe in treating others as we would have them treat us.
We are a fast past fine dining restaurant who focus on sustainability and value nature. Our kitchen concentrates on using French based kitchen techniques which are modified with Nordic and Japanese influences. We are a heavealy technique based kitchen.
Main tasks and responsibilities
- Running your own station in the Kitchen
- Cooking and service of food according to the restaurant’s quality and service standards.
- Ensuring high levels of kitchen team performance.
- Contributing to creating a harmonious environment amongst all staff within the restaurant.
- Demonstrates an ability to produce a high volume of work in a timely manner, which is of a high standard.
- Has ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from managers and colleagues. Comes to work when rostered, is punctual and sets a good example of character and ethic.
- Interacts positively, respectfully, and professionally with supervisors, co-workers, and members of the public.
Educational and skill requirements
- 3-5 Years of Previous experience in multiple culinary / F&B department
- Ability to supervise, demonstrate and expedite in various kitchen production areas
- A good understanding and practical knowledge of cooking French, Japanese and Icelandic cuisine would be beneficial
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of managing your own station
- Working knowledge of Food Saftey and HACCP
- Icelandic Kennitala would be beneficial
- Oral understanding of English
- A team player
Job benefits
- Staff food is offered on working days lunch and dinner
- Food education is offered in seminars at the hotel which is done by the head chef
- Housing is offered close to the Hotel for a small fee
- Joining a kitchen team with a positive atmosphere
- The Usage of the Hotel facilities (Golf course, Geo thermal Pools, Canyon baths, outdoor activities)
Auglýsing birt30. ágúst 2024
Umsóknarfrestur20. september 2024
Húsafellsland 134499, 320 Reykholt í Borgarfirði
EldhússtörfFljót/ur að læraFrumkvæðiHeiðarleikiHugmyndaauðgiJákvæðniMetnaðurÖkuréttindiSkipulagStundvísiSveigjanleiki
Hentugt fyrir
Sambærileg störf (12)
Starfsmaður óskast í glæsilegt mötuneyti
Kjötkompaní - verslunarstarf
Kjötkompaní ehf.
Lækjarskóli - mötuneyti
Kokkur og aðstoð í eldhúsi / Chef and kitchen assistant
LiBRARY bistro/bar
KFC Kópavogi
Krikaskóli óskar eftir aðstoðarmanni í eldhús
Starfsmaður í mötuneyti
Aðstoðarmanneskja í mötuneyti
Embla Medical | Össur
Central kitchen job 100%
Marinar ehf.
Óskum eftir matráð
árnes ferðaþjónusta ehf
Yfirkokkur | Head Chef
Starfskraftur í eldhús/Matráður/Ráðskona