
Full Stack Developer

Svarmi is ambitiously working towards digitizing nature so it can be more skillfully utilized with minimal harm and/or restored. Using our web platform, our clients can store and view high quality drone data, satellite imagery, images as well as multiple other nature data needed for sustainability reporting. We provide our clients with a holistic approach to digitizing their geographical areas of interest in 2D and 3D with expert analysis. With the tools we provide, our clients can make smarter decisions in projects and nature risk management

The challenges we face are developing a lightweight, user-friendly web platform for large organizations. On this platform, users can view huge datasets, manage their areas and work towards becoming nature positive.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð

A Full Stack Developer that is passionate about:
– Writing quality, maintainable code
– Working with a diverse team in an open and innovative environment
– Make large and complex data such as earth observation data actionable

Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur

– ReactJS
– NodeJS
– Git
– RESTful APIs

Fríðindi í starfi

– Flexible hours and family friendly workplace
– Remote-friendly working environment
– A great working culture with employees from all around the world
– Ping pong table, and green offices
– Cafeteria with lunch included
– An opportunity to have a positive impact on the world

Auglýsing stofnuð6. júní 2024
Umsóknarfrestur18. júlí 2024
EnskaEnskaMjög góð
Hlíðasmári 8, 201 Kópavogur
PathCreated with Sketch.AWSPathCreated with Sketch.NodeJSPathCreated with Sketch.ReactPathCreated with Sketch.SQL