
Framleiðslustjóri (e. production manager)

** English below **

Climeworks hefur gangsett verksmiðju á Íslandi sem fjarlægir CO₂ úr andrúmsloftinu með það markmið að hægja á hlýnun jarðar og vernda komandi kynslóðir.

Við óskum eftir að ráða öfluga leiðtoga sem eru tilbúnir að taka þátt í þessu mikilvæga verkefni. Við bjóðum upp á frábæra liðsheild, dreift stjórnskipulag og umbótamiðaða nálgun þar sem notast er við nýstárlegar tæknilausnir.
Vilt þú ganga til liðs við okkur?

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð

· Ábyrgð á stjórnun og viðhaldi á Climeworks DAC verksmiðjunum Orca & Mammoth ásamt því að tryggja öruggan og samhæfðan rekstur þeirra

· Umsjón með ferlinu við að fjarlægja CO₂ úr andrúmsloftinu

· Ábyrgð á að ná sölumarkmiðum

· Yfirumsjón með framleiðslustjórnun, þar með talið stjórnun framleiðsluteymisins

· Tengiliður milli viðhaldsaðila, verkfræði- og framleiðsluteyma

· Skipulagning og framkvæmd daglegra verkefna í Orca & Mammoth verksmiðjunum ásamt umbótavinnu

· Ábyrgð og utanumhald með ferlum og þjálfun

Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur:

· B.Sc. gráða í vélaverkfræði eða sambærilegt nám

· Sex ára reynsla af störfum í verksmiðju og viðhaldi í framleiðsluiðnaði

· Reynsla af verksmiðjuframleiðslu og framleiðslustjórnun

· Framúrskarandi leiðtogahæfni

· Reynsla úr nýsköpunarumhverfi

· Tæknileg þekking og færni í ferlagreiningu

· Áræðni og metnaður

· Frumkvæði, sjálfstæð vinnubrögð og skipulagshæfni

· Framúrskarandi samstarfs- og samskiptahæfni og jákvætt hugarfar

· Mjög góð enskukunnátta

Starfið krefst þess að viðkomandi geti ferðast um 40% af tímanum

** English **

Climeworks removes CO₂ from the air to fight global warming and protect future generations to come.

We develop, build and operate direct air capture (DAC) machines which capture CO₂ directly from the air. The captured carbon dioxide is removed from the air by safely storing it underground, permanently.

Founded in 2009 by engineers, Christoph Gebald and Jan Wurzbacher, Climeworks was built with a mission to inspire 1 billion people to remove CO₂ from the air, and is now spearheading the DAC industry globally. It has the world’s largest DAC facility and storage installation in operation and a team of over 300 Climeworkers determined to contribute to a net-zero future.

A true climate pioneer, Climeworks is featured as a TIME100 Influential Company 2022 and Global Cleantech 100 Company 2022, driving a revolutionary technology engineered to solve the most pressing issue of our time.

We foster a dynamic environment and are building a global purpose driven team. We are looking for disruptive thinkers, passionate achievers and inspiring leaders that are ready to take on the world’s greatest challenge.

Will you join us? 

Your mission / Job description

· Your mission at Climeworks is to operate and maintain the Climeworks DAC plants Orca & Mammoth, ensuring the production of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). Focus on OKR-oriented and sustainable operation and maintenance of the Orca & Mammoth Plant to secure sales targets and contribute to achieving the Climeworks Vision.

· You are responsible for maintaining a safe and compliant plant operation, emphasizing a safety culture without compromises.

· You will operate and maintain the Orca & Mammoth Plant.

· You oversee Production Management, including the management of the Plant Operations production team.

· You act as a liaison between maintenance, engineering, and project teams.

· You are tasked with planning and executing the assigned daily Orca & Mammoth Plant operation tasks, as well as supporting plant optimization projects.

· Your responsibility includes maintaining the required processes, tools, and training.

Your story / Requirements

· You hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent in mechanical engineering or a related discipline.

· You bring valuable expertise with over 6 years of experience in plant operation and maintenance within the process engineering industry.

· Your experience encompasses commercial plant operation, including production management.

· You possess leadership experience as a key component of your professional background.

· You have a proven track record of work experience in a scale-up and/or first-of-its-kind environment.

· Your expertise is evident through a multi-year operation and maintenance track record in the process engineering industry.

· You are accustomed to working in a 24/7 production organization.

· Your technical knowledge and capabilities extend to the areas of process engineering.

· You are driven to achieve unprecedented scale-up steps and timelines, and your approach to work is characterized by determination.

· You are a strong coordinator, communicator, and collaborator, and your contributions enhance the team dynamics.

· Your approach to tasks is self-reliant, organized, and structured.

· Your commitment to continuous, persistent, and sustainable improvement reflects your proactive mindset

· You are business fluent in English, a crucial aspect of your professional proficiency.

· You are willing to travel up to 40%.

Auglýsing stofnuð23. apríl 2024
Umsóknarfrestur6. maí 2024