AÞ-Þrif ehf.
AÞ-Þrif ehf er ungt og framsækið hreingerningafyrirtæki með rúmlega 250 starfsmenn af 22 þjóðernum og býður upp á almenna og sérhæfða þjónustu þegar kemur að þrifum fyrir fyrirtæki, stofnanir og einstaklinga. AÞ-Þrif er vaxandi fyrirtæki og við erum sífellt að leita að fleira fólki til að bætast í starfsmannahópinn.
AÞ-Þrif is one of the largest cleaning service in Iceland, with 250 employees and serves private and public companies and building contractors. AÞ-Þrif is expanding and we are always looking for good employees to join our lively workplace.
Floor cleaner
AÞ - Þrif is looking for a floor cleaner, for a full time job. The employer must be able to start work as soon possible and be able to work on a flexible scedule, sometimes after 16:00pm and on weekends.
AÞ-Þrif is one of the largest cleaning service in Iceland, with over 250 employees and serves private and public companies and building contractors. AÞ-Þrif is expanding and we are always looking for good employees to join our lively workplace.
We have an active staff club and aim to be a fun, diverse, cooperative and family-friendly workplace as well as providing excellent service to our customers. We are also certified as a Great Place to Work!
We want to have a diverse group of employees and encourage everyone to apply.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Floor cleaning in various buildings
- Communication with customers
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- English or Icelandic speaking
- Driving license
- Experience of polishing floors
- Clean criminal record required
Auglýsing birt31. janúar 2025
Skeiðarás 12, 210 Garðabær
Sambærileg störf (12)
Standsetning bíla á Keflavíkurflugvelli
Hertz Bílaleiga
Starfsfólk í þvottahús á Hellu - Laundry house in Hella
Þvottahúsið Hekla ehf.
Mælingar-og uppsetningar á gluggatjöldum
Sólargluggatjöld ehf.
Lagerstarf - Varahlutir - Bifreiðar
Verkamenn óskast / Laborers wanted
GG Verk ehf
Bifreiðasmiður og aðstoð á málningu
SBJ Réttingar ehf
Starfsmaður á vélaverkstæði
Hús og jörð ehf
Viðgerðarmaður á Selfossi
Hlaupari - Höfuðborgarsvæðið og Reykjanes
Terra hf.
Hertz Bílaleiga
Múrari/Verkamaður - Reykjanesbæ
Epoxy Gólf ehf.