APRÓ er nútímaupplýsingatæknifyrirtæki byggt á grunni þriggja leiðandi íslenskra tæknifyrirtækja: Andes, Prógramm og Miracle. Með yfir 80 framúrskarandi sérfræðinga sameinum við áratugareynslu og nýjustu tækniþekkingu í hugbúnaðarþróun, skýjaþjónustu, gagnatækni og gervigreind.
Við erum stolt af því að vinna að verkefnum sem hafa raunveruleg áhrif á samfélagið, með fjölbreyttum viðskiptavinum – allt frá stórum stofnunum til nýsköpunarfyrirtækja. Hjá APRÓ finnur þú vinnustað þar sem samvinna, faglegur vöxtur og vellíðan starfsfólksins eru í forgrunni.
Azure DevOps Engineer
APRÓ is looking for a proactive and motivated Azure DevOps Engineer to join our growing team. In this role, you will contribute to developing APRÓ’s Azure capabilities while working on innovative cloud projects. This position offers the opportunity to influence how Azure technologies are utilized within the company and collaborate on exciting, cutting-edge solutions.
At APRÓ, you will work alongside some of Iceland’s top IT professionals, leveraging Azure’s tools to create scalable, efficient, and secure cloud solutions. You’ll be part of a supportive and innovative environment where your expertise will help drive impactful results.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Design, implement, and optimize CI/CD pipelines to streamline deployment processes
- Build and maintain scalable and secure cloud infrastructure on Azure
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to enhance automation, testing, and deployment workflows
- Develop and implement best practices for Azure solutions across projects
- Share knowledge and expertise to support team growth in Azure technologies
- Implement and manage infrastructure as code using tools like Terraform or ARM templates
- Stay updated on the latest tools, trends, and practices in Azure and cloud engineering
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related fields
- Proven experience in DevOps engineering or a similar role
- Hands-on experience with Azure services, including Azure DevOps, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or Azure Resource Manager
- Strong scripting skills in PowerShell, Bash, or Python
- Knowledge of CI/CD tools, infrastructure as code (e.g., Terraform, ARM templates), and containerization (Docker/Kubernetes)
- Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail
- Excellent communication and collaboration skills to work effectively across teams
Fríðindi í starfi
- Flexible working hours
- Flexible working environment
- On-site cafeteria as well as drinks and snacks
- Stock option plan
- Annual sports grant
- Conditional monthly transportation grant
- Active employee social club
- Mobile device grant and mobile usage package
- Home Internet
Auglýsing birt18. desember 2024
Umsóknarfrestur6. janúar 2025
Mjög góðNauðsyn
Urðarhvarf 8, 203 Kópavogur
AzureBakendaforritunDockerKubernetesSjálfvirkar prófanir
Fleiri störf (1)
Sambærileg störf (12)
Data Engineer
Hugbúnaðarsérfræðingur / Senior Software Developer
Viðskiptastjóri Sensa
Sensa ehf.
Leiðtogi upplýsingatækni
Tæknimaður með netkunnáttu
Örugg afritun ehf.
Leiðandi forritari / Lead programmer
Careflux ehf.
Ert þú kerfisstjóri sem knýr framtíðina?
Landsnet hf.
Ert þú með sérþekkingu í Microsoft 365 lausnum?
Hugbúnaðarsérfræðingur - Business Central
GreenFish Developer
Tæknilegur vörustjóri F&O