Afgreiðslustarf, aðstoð í eldhúsi, þrif o.fl
Við hjá Bragðlaukum leitumst eftir einstaklingi með góða þjónustulund, duglegum, sem sýnir frumkvæði, er röskur, klár og hefur unun af því að vinna. :)
Vinnan hentar þeim sem eru í fjarnámi, kvöldnámi, vill vinna 50% eða 100% á daginn við þægilegt og skemmtilegt andrúmsloft en jafnframt líkamlega krefjandi vinnu. Vinnan felst í því að undirbúa veitingastaðinn, taka við pöntunum og bera fram mat, sjá til þess að allt sé hreint, fint og snyrtilegt og svo þrif eftir á.
Hlökkum til að heyra frá ykkur sem telja sig verðuga eða verðugan í starfið :)
Áhugasamir sendi umsókn ásamt ferilskrá á
Bragðlaukar is a catering company and we are looking for an employee who is positive, outgoing, hardworking, is good at customer service and someone who fits well into our great team at Bragðlaukar.
Good icelandic or english skills are necessary.
This job requires employee to help and prepare in the kitchen as we send food out to companies. It requires employee also to prepare a small restaurant, take orders at the desk and serve the food on plates. The restaurant is open only during lunchtime for two hours so it is a short service time, but it is full on when it is open. Employee needs to clean the restaurant and do dishes after lunchtime. Working hours are from 8 o'clock until 16 o'clock or 6 o'clock until 14 o'clock, depends on what suits the employee.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and please dont hesitate to ask if you have questions regarding this job.
Kær kveðja,
Arna Sif Gunnarsdóttir
Framkvæmdastjóri Bragðlauka ehf
Prepare restaurant, serving customers, help in kitchen, preparing food.
English language needs to be rather good.
Free meal for lunchtime.