Rapyd Europe hf.
Rapyd is transforming global commerce by unifying payments, payouts, and fintech on a single, innovative platform. As a financial technology company, we empower businesses to accept and make payments anywhere, using any method. By building the largest local payments network, we’re opening up global opportunities—helping businesses reach new markets faster and giving consumers greater access to innovative goods and services.
Built from the ground up as a global organization, diversity is at the heart of who we are. With offices in London, Tel Aviv, Singapore, California, and Reykjavik—and employees spanning the globe—we embrace different perspectives to drive innovation. Supported by investors like Stripe, General Catalyst, Oak FT, Tiger Global, Durable Capital, Target Global, and TaL Capital, we’re well-positioned for extraordinary growth.
At Rapyd, we believe in straight talk, quick decisions, strong execution, and elegant solutions. This is where hard work creates real impact and careers take off. Join us and help build the future of fintech—together, we’ll shape the next era of global commerce.

Accountant - Summer Position
Want to dive into real-world finance? We're seeking a detail-oriented student to support our accounting team with key payables, receivables, and reconciliation tasks this summer.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Assisting with accounts payables and bank reconciliations
- Allocations of accounts receivable and data input from existing systems
- Other projects in consultation with the Supervisor
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- B.Sc./M.Sc. student in business administration
- Experience with reconciliations and accounting work is an advantage
- Experience using Navision is an advantage
- Interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team
- Good Icelandic and English skills
Auglýsing birt11. mars 2025


Dalshraun 3, 220 Hafnarfjörður
Hentugt fyrir
Fleiri störf (5)
Sambærileg störf (12)

Pípulagnir Suðurlands

Endurskoðun og uppgjör

Starfsmaður á skrifstofu – Sumarstarf
Emmessís ehf.

Sérfræðingur í bókhaldi hjá ECIT Bókað ehf í Stykkishólmi

Smith & Norland

Skrifstofustjóri / Bókari

Starfsmaður í fjármáladeild
Ourhotels ehf. / Troll Expeditions / Formáli ehf.

Bókari óskast á litla og rótgróna endurskoðunarskrifstofu
Þrep ehf.

Forstöðumaður launadeildar
Eir, Skjól og Hamrar hjúkrunarheimili

Deildarfulltrúi fjármála- og reksturs hjá Barnavernd
Reykjavíkurborg - Velferðarsvið

Slökkvilið höfuðborgarsvæðisins

Bókari óskast -50% hlutastarf
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