Go Leiga
Go Leiga
Go Leiga

Afgreiðslufulltrúi / Rental Agent

Bílaleigan Go óskar eftir duglegum og skemmtilegum liðsmönnum í hlutverk afgreiðslufulltrúa í höfuðstöðum okkar í Reykjanesbæ. Bílaleigan Go starfar undir vörumerkjum Go Campers og Go Car Rental. Við leitum að einstaklingum sem geta unnið í teymi og undir álagi sem sýnir frumkvæði í starfi. Í starfinu felst að leigja út campera og bílaleigubíla, taka á móti á camperum og bílaleigubílum, sala á aukahlutum og önnur dagleg verkefni.

Bílaleigan Go is seeking for enthusiastic and fun rental agents to join our great team in our new headquarters in Reykjanesbær. We are operating Go Campers and Go Car Rental brands. It’s important to be a great team player, work well under pressure and show initiative.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
  • Delivering and receiving rental car
  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Sales of additional services
  • Picking up and dropping off customers
  • Answering phone calls and emails
  • General administration and other tasks related to car rental reception
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
  • Outstanding English language skills
  • Drivers license
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to work independently
  • Experience of similar jobs
  • Good communication skills, proficiency, and positivity
Advertisement published12. March 2025
Application deadline15. April 2025
Language skills
Fuglavík 43, 230 Reykjanesbær
Type of work
Job Tags