Verksmiðjan Restaurant Akureyri
Verksmiðjan Restaurant Akureyri
Verksmiðjan Restaurant Akureyri

Við leitum af hressu sumarstarfsfólki!

Við viljum bæta við hressu og skemmtilegu fólki til sumarstarfa á Verksmiðjunni á Akureyri.

Um er að ræða bæði störf í eldhúsi og sal.

Leitum af fólki 16 ára og eldri.

Möguleiki er á áframhaldandi vinnu með skóla í haust fyrir áhugasama.

Please note that knowledge of Icelandic is required.

Advertisement published26. February 2025
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills
Gleráreyrar 1, 600 Akureyri
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Kitchen workPathCreated with Sketch.Quick learnerPathCreated with Sketch.ProactivePathCreated with Sketch.HonestyPathCreated with Sketch.PositivityPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.IndependencePathCreated with Sketch.PlanningPathCreated with Sketch.PunctualPathCreated with Sketch.Team workPathCreated with Sketch.Working under pressurePathCreated with Sketch.WaiteringPathCreated with Sketch.Customer service
Suitable for
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