Bon Restaurant
Bon Restaurant

Veitingastjóri / Restaurant manager

Bon leitar að Veitingastjóra sem sér um daglegan rekstur veitingastaðarins, vaktaplön, innkaup og annað sem til fellur. Veitingastjóri þarf að hafa til að bera skipulags hæfileika góða samskiptahæfni og góða framkomu.

Bon is looking for a Restaurant Manager who is in charge of the daily operation of the restaurant, shift plans, purchases and other related matters.The restaurant manager needs to have organizational skills, good communication skills and service oriented.

Advertisement published15. October 2024
Application deadline24. October 2024
Language skills
EnglishEnglishVery good
Laugavegur 55, 101 Reykjavík
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Planning
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