Bryggjan Brugghús
Bryggjan Brugghús
Bryggjan Brugghús


Þjónn í fullt starf og hluta starf

Við leitum af þjónum í fullt starf og hlutastarf á Bryggjunni í vetur.

Starfsmenn Bryggjunnar vinna undir veitingastjóra í teymi en markmiðið okkar er að tryggja góða þjónustu og gæði ásamt því að skapa notaleg umhverfi fyrir gesti og starfsfólk.

Við leitum eftir lífsglöðum einstaklingum með frammúrskarandi þjónustulund sem hafa áhuga á því að vinna í skemmtilegu og hröðu umhverfi.

Enskukunnátta er skilyrði. Hafa náð 20 ára aldri.

Við leggjum mikla áherslu á að gestir okkar fái góða þjónustu og njóti matarins og því skiptir þitt hlutverk sem þjónn miklu máli.

Ef þú telur þig vera rétta manneskjan fyrir þetta hlutverk þá skaltu sækja um.

Öllum umsóknum verður svarað.


We are looking for waiters full time and part time for the summer at Bryggjan Brugghús.

It is desirable if the person can start as soon as possible. Front of the house employees work under the restaurant's manager and our goal is to ensure good service, quality and a welcoming environment for guests and employees.

We are looking for individuals with a positive attitude and great sense for good service and like to work in a fast past environment.

English is a manditory. Must have reached 20 years of age.

Our main goal is to provide our guests with a great service and provide them quality food and a great experience therefor your job as a waiter is important factor.

If you think you are the right fit, apply now!
All applications will be answered.

Advertisement published26. September 2024
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills
Grandagarður 8, 101 Reykjavík
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Bar servicesPathCreated with Sketch.PositivityPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.AmbitionPathCreated with Sketch.PunctualPathCreated with Sketch.Team workPathCreated with Sketch.WaiteringPathCreated with Sketch.Customer servicePathCreated with Sketch.Cleaning
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