Park Inn By Radisson Keflavik Airport
Park Inn By Radisson Keflavik Airport
Park Inn By Radisson Keflavik Airport

Starsfólk í þrifadeild / Housekeepers

Við erum að ráða starsfólk í þrifadeild

Park Inn by Radisson Keflavík leitar að hæfileikaríkum einstaklingum til að ganga til liðs við þrifadeildina okkar.


Um er að ræða herbergjaþrif, þrif á almenningssvæðum ásamt vinnu í þvottahúsi. Um er að ræða sumar- og heilsársstörf. Ef þú hefur metnað fyrir þrifum og auga fyrir smáatriðum, viljum við heyra í þér.


  • Vandvirkni
  • Sjálfstæði
  • Jákvæðni
  • Geta unnið undir álagi

We are hiring - Housekeepers

Park Inn by Radisson Keflavik is seeking talented individuals to join our Housekeeping Department!

The housekeeping Department combines the roles of Room Attendant, Public Area Attendant, and Laundry Room

If you have an eye for detail, a passion for hospitality, and a dedication to delivering unparalleled service, we want to hear from you!

Educational and skill requirements

  • Good English communication skills
  • A team-first attitude
  • A warm, people-oriented demeanor
  • Physical Strength
  • Organization skills

Advertisement published12. March 2025
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills
Very good
Hafnargata 57, 230 Reykjanesbær
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.ProactivePathCreated with Sketch.HonestyPathCreated with Sketch.Clean criminal recordPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.ConscientiousPathCreated with Sketch.MeticulousnessPathCreated with Sketch.Working under pressurePathCreated with Sketch.Cleaning
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