Epal hf.
Epal hf.
Epal hf.

Starfsmaður á skrifstofu - framtíðarstarf

Leitum eftir jákvæðnum og metnaðarfullum starfsmanni á skrifstofu í fullt starf þar sem vinnutíminn er frá klukkan 08:00-16:00 alla virka daga.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
  • Söluuppgjör
  • Bókhald
  • Afstemmingar 
  • Tollskýrslugerð 
  • Símsvörun
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
  • Góð íslensku- og enskukunnátta
  • Góð þekking á DK bókhaldskerfinu
  • Góð almenn þekking á tölvur
  • Jákvætt viðmót og góðir samskiptahæfileikar
  • Frumkvæði, metnaður og lausnamiðuð hugsun
Advertisement published26. July 2024
Application deadline9. August 2024
Language skills
IcelandicIcelandicBasic skills
Skeifan 6, 108 Reykjavík
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.ReconciliationPathCreated with Sketch.Financial statementsPathCreated with Sketch.DKPathCreated with Sketch.Quick learnerPathCreated with Sketch.ProactivePathCreated with Sketch.HonestyPathCreated with Sketch.Clean criminal recordPathCreated with Sketch.PositivityPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.AmbitionPathCreated with Sketch.Microsoft ExcelPathCreated with Sketch.Microsoft OutlookPathCreated with Sketch.Microsoft WordPathCreated with Sketch.BillingPathCreated with Sketch.Phone communicationPathCreated with Sketch.Email communicationPathCreated with Sketch.ConscientiousPathCreated with Sketch.IndependencePathCreated with Sketch.PlanningPathCreated with Sketch.PunctualPathCreated with Sketch.Write upPathCreated with Sketch.MeticulousnessPathCreated with Sketch.Customer service
Work environment
Job Tags