LiBRARY bistro/bar
Restaurants and event business are driven by people, their skills, attitude and ability to work as a team. At LiBRARY bistro/bar our goal is to make a functional team that enjoys challenges and working together, making every moment matter and we strive to do the best by supporting each other in doing so.
The everyday tasks for the LiBRARY bistro/bar team is to make lunch and dinner for our guests and during the weekend we offer our guests brunch. We start our day early with a bountiful breakfast buffet and in the afternoon we have a lengthy happy hour. Our event spaces are popular for meetings, events, conferences and receptions where we cater our groups everything from coffee, tea and water to a full board experience from break of day to the down of night.
Those can be different from one day to another, one week to the next and our selection follows the seasons.

Reyndir þjónar / experianced waiters
Library Bistro/bar í Keflavík leitar að þjónum með reynslu og framúrskarandi samskiptahæfni.
- Við leitum að lífsglöðu og skemmtilegu fólki
- 20 ára eða eldri
- Með starfsreynslu í þjónustu
- Brennandi áhuga á mat og drykk
- Frammúrskarandi þjónustulund
- Góð ensku og íslensku kunnátta
- Reynsla af bar vinnu
Um er að ræða fullt starf og unnið eftir 2-2-3 vaktarkerfi
Einnig eru hlutastörf eftir samkomulagi í boði.
We at Library Bistro/bar in Keflavík are looking for waiters to join our team. We are looking for experienced waiters with the following qualifications.
- Postive attitude
- 20 years or older
- Experience as a waiter
- Good communicators with passion for food and to serve.
- Bartender experiance
- Excellent english skill
We offer full time job working on 2-2-3 system
We also offer part time job with mutual agreement working hours.
Advertisement published4. March 2025
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills

Hafnargata 57, 230 Reykjanesbær
Type of work
Customer service
Job Tags
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