EFTA Secretariat
EFTA is an intergovernmental organization committed to advancing free trade and economic integration among its four Member States: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.
With offices in Geneva, Brussels, and Luxembourg, the EFTA Secretariat serves these states by facilitating policy development, negotiations, and implementation of free trade agreements.
Our Geneva headquarters supports the EFTA Council, while our Brussels office manages the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement and assists Member States in influencing EU decision-making.
Additionally, our Luxembourg office contributes to the evolution of the European Statistical system.

Policy Officer Internal Market Division VA 05/2025
Do you want to be part of a dynamic and ambitious intergovernmental organisation working for the promotion of free trade and economic integration across Europe and globally? The European Free Trade Associaton (EFTA) offer the opportunity for a motivated and highly skilled professional to join the Internal Market Division in Brussels as an Officer. Here, you will be part of an organisation based on professionalism, cooperation, trust, responsibility and respect.
Advertisement published26. February 2025
Application deadline16. March 2025
Language skills

Avenue des Arts 19H, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, 999 Belgium
Type of work
Job Tags
Other jobs (3)
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