Pizza Chef and Restaurant Waiter/waitress full/ part time
We are looking for positive, ambitious and professional people to join our team .
In this advertisement we are mainly seeking to find an enthusiastic and service orientated person that is ready to give our guests high-quality product and service every day.
The job is daytime, evenings and weekends and perfect extra job with school.
You need to:
Trust for a fast-paced environment with high expectations
Great service attitude towards guests
Attention to detail
Good team player
Positive attitude, good energy
Experience in Indian and Italian cuisine is plus point
-Have restaurant experience
We need ambitious, enthusiastic and energetic pizza baker.
- Experience as a pizza baker is a must
- Experience in Indian and Italian cuisine is plus point.
- Ambition and interest in food are also assessed
All applications are handled as confidential
Advertisement published13. March 2025
Application deadline19. March 2025
Language skills


Engjateigur 1, 105 Reykjavík
Type of work
Job Tags
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