Northern Light Inn
Northern Light Inn
Northern Light Inn

Matreiðslumaður (Chef) óskast til starfa

We are looking for a chef/cook for our kitchen at Max's Restaurant which is part of Northern Light Inn. Northern Light Inn is a 42 room hotel, opened in 1983, and has always be family owned. We are just by the Blue Lagoon (1.5 km).

We are searching for a person that is interested in working with people, is positive and independent. A person that has a passion for food and cooking. Professional diploma is welcomed but not necessary if you have the right experience.

2-2-3 Shifts from 10:30 - 22:30

If you are interested in working at a fun place, that focuses on local quality ingredients and simplicity please contact us.

!!! Very good English or Icelandic skills are vital !!!

It is important that you can start as soon as possible.

Please do NOT apply if you don't have any experience as a chef.

Við leitum að matreiðslumanni í eldhúsið okkar á Max's Restaurant sem er á Northern Light Inn. Northern Light Inn er 42 herbergja hótel, opnað 1983, og hefur alla tíð verið í fjölskyldurekstri. Við erum staðsett steinsnar frá Bláa Lóninu (1,5 km).

Við leitum að aðila sem hefur áhuga á að vinna með fólki, er jákvæð(ur) og sjálfstæð(ur) í vinnubrögðum. Leiðtoga sem fær fólk með sér í þau verkefni sem þarf að leysa.

Unnið er á kokkavöktum 2-2-3 frá 10:30 - 22:30

Ef þú hefur áhuga á að vinna á skemmtilegum stað, sem leggur áherslu á gæði og einfaldleika þar sem gott hráefni fær að njóta sín, þá endilega hafðu samband við okkur.

Við hvetjum konur sem karla að sækja um.

Við hlökkum til að heyra frá þér.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
  • Eldamennska / cooking
  • Undirbúningur / prepp work
  • Aðstoð við gerð matseðla / assistance in menu set-up
  • Teymisvinna / Team work
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
  • Reynsla sem nýtist í starfi (experience in cooking)
  • Stundvísi, heiðarleiki og sjálfstæði (punctuality, honesty, independancy)
  • Góð íslensku eða enskukunnátta (good Icelandic or English skills essential)
  • Geta unnið undir álagi (ability to work under pressure)
Advertisement published13. March 2025
Application deadline20. March 2025
Language skills
Norðurljósavegur 1, 240 Grindavík
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Kitchen workPathCreated with Sketch.WaiterPathCreated with Sketch.ProactivePathCreated with Sketch.HonestyPathCreated with Sketch.Clean criminal recordPathCreated with Sketch.PositivityPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.AmbitionPathCreated with Sketch.Driver's licencePathCreated with Sketch.Non smokerPathCreated with Sketch.ConscientiousPathCreated with Sketch.IndependencePathCreated with Sketch.PunctualPathCreated with Sketch.Team workPathCreated with Sketch.Working under pressurePathCreated with Sketch.Customer service
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