Hótel Búðir ehf.
Hótel Búðir er tvímælalaust eitt fegursta sveitahótel á Íslandi í rúma tveggja stunda akstursfjarlægð frá Reykjavík. Þetta glæsilega hótel er einstakt í sinni röð útbúið öllum nútímaþægindum, andrúmsloftið er heillandi, þjónustan framúrskarandi og síðast en ekki síst; matur í sérflokki.
Matreiðslumaður/ Chef de partie
Hótel Búðir, located in the breathtaking Snæfellsnes Peninsula, is looking for talented & experianced chefs to join our kitchen team.
We are especially interested in couples (not necessary both cooks, as we are in need of extanding our Restaurant & Houskeeping department as well) who are passionate about creating exceptional dining experiences in a unique and scenic environment.
Work in a renowned kitchen with a focus on high-quality ingredients
Enjoy the stunning Icelandic nature right at your doorstep
Be part of a welcoming and professional team
We do require good experiance and knowlodge in the field.
If you're the right person/ people please apply here or send us your Cv's to [email protected]
Advertisement published7. March 2025
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills


Búðir, 356 Snæfellsbær
Type of work
Job Tags
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