Kopar Restaurant
At Kopar we choose local products, both from land and sea to create an adventurous menu! Traditional and old methods and recipes meet modern and new ingredients, giving dishes a surprising twist. For example, Kopar was the first restaurant in Iceland to serve Icelandic Rockcrab.

Line Cook/intern
We at Kopar are looking for a long term kitchen intern who is interested in learning to be a professional chef or someone with experience in kitchen.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
Prepping during the day and working the dinner service
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
as an intern you need to have a deep interest in cooking and learning both complex and easy methods, experience is not required but recommended. can be stressful so keeping composure under pressure would be nice
Fríðindi í starfi
we have a team of experienced chefs with different backgrounds that could teach you alot, and most of all we try our best to have good morale
Advertisement published18. March 2025
Application deadline24. March 2025
Language skills


Geirsgata 3, 101 Reykjavík
Type of work
Quick learnerProactiveHonestyPositivityPlanningPunctualTeam workWorking under pressure
Job Tags
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