Kol Delí Reykjavík
Kol Delí Reykjavík
Kol Delí Reykjavík

Kol Delí leitar að lífsglöðu fólki í hlutastarf

Við leitum af hressu og skemmtilegum einstaklingum í hlutastaf. Aðra hvora helgi.
Vaktirnar eru 9 til 10 klukkustundir í senn.
Frá 09:00 til 18:00.
Lífsgleði, metnaður og reynsla af þjónustustörfum eru skilyrði.

We are looking for fun people for a part time job.
Shifts are every other weekend. The shifts are 9 to 10 hours per day.
Working hours are from 09:00 to18:00.
Ambition, positivity and experience from service jobs is required

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð

Útbúa samlokur og önnur sætindi. Kaffigerð. 
Samskipti við gesti. Opna stað. Loka stað. Þrif
Prepping sandwiches and other pastry. Coffee making
Communication with guests. Opening, closing, cleaning

Advertisement published5. September 2024
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills
Skólavörðustígur 40, 101 Reykjavík
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Quick learnerPathCreated with Sketch.ProactivePathCreated with Sketch.Clean criminal recordPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.AmbitionPathCreated with Sketch.Independence
Suitable for
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