Bhangra Veitingar ehf.
Bhangra Veitingar ehf.
Bhangra Veitingar ehf.

Kokkur / Chef

Hefur þú áhuga á framandi og freistandi indverskri matreiðslu með smá funky tvisti?
Funky Bhangra er veitingastaður í Pósthús Mathöll sem sérhæfir sig í Indverskri matreiðslu með skandinavísku ívafi. Við erum að leita að metnaðarfullum starfsmanni í opna eldhúsið okkar. Viðkomandi starfsmaður þarf að geta unnið sjálfstætt, vera stundvís og hafa getu til að bera ábyrgð á eldhúsinu og öllu sem því fylgir.

Starfið er laust nú þegar. Lágmarksaldur umsækjanda er 20 ár. Unnið er á 2-2-3 vöktum.

Funky Bhangra is not just another restaurant—we bring a bold fusion of Indian flavors with a Nordic twist, and we’re on the lookout for serious, skilled, and passionate individuals to join our growing team. Applicants must speak English, and be at least 20 years old. We like to hire someone with experience working in a busy kitchen. Chef education is not essential but experience is.

We are looking for an upbeat person with a passion for good food who works well as a part of a group and under pressure. Experience is a must!

We have an open kitchen, so we greatly value positivity and cleanliness. You'll be working in a team, but you will be responsible for the kitchen on your shift.

We only consider applicants who have an Icelandic “Kennitala” and already live in Iceland

Please attach a CV with a picture.

Job available now. 2-2-3 work shifts.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
Dagleg þrif og undirbúningur vaktar - Shift preparation and daily cleaning

Elda og afgreiða mat -  food preparation and serving
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
Matreiðslumenntun kostur en ekki skilyrði - Formal kitchen education valued but not essential

Reynsla af veitingastað skilyrði - Prior restaurant service experience essential

Góð enskukunnátta skilyrði. Íslenskukunnátta kostur en ekki skilyrði - Good English 

Stundvísi, áreiðnaleiki, sveigjanleiki og jákvæni - Punctuality, flexibility and positive attitude
Advertisement published9. March 2025
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills
Pósthússtræti 3, 101 Reykjavík
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Kitchen workPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.AmbitionPathCreated with Sketch.Team work
Work environment
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