Just Wingin' it
Just Wingin' it
Just Wingin' it

Hlutastarf (Garðabær, Reykjavík, Njarðvík)

(English below)

Hlutastarf í eldhúsi og þjónustu. Aðallega kvöld- og helgarvinna í boði en einnig möguleiki á dagvinnu í afleysingum.

Part time work available in kitchen and service. Mainly night- and weekend work but also daytime work available for extra shifts.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
  • Eldamennska
  • Undirbúningur 
  • Frágangur og þrif
  • Þjónusta viðskiptavina


  • Cooking
  • Prep work
  • End of the night tasks
  • Customer service
Fríðindi í starfi

Matur á vinnutíma

40% starfsmannaafsláttur utan vinnutíma


Meal during work

40% staff discount on off days

Advertisement published3. October 2024
Application deadlineNo deadline
Language skills
EnglishEnglishVery good
Fitjar 2, 260 Reykjanesbær
Snorrabraut 56, 105 Reykjavík
Litlatún 1, 210 Garðabær
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Customer checkoutPathCreated with Sketch.Kitchen workPathCreated with Sketch.Quick learnerPathCreated with Sketch.WaiterPathCreated with Sketch.ProactivePathCreated with Sketch.Clean criminal recordPathCreated with Sketch.PositivityPathCreated with Sketch.Human relationsPathCreated with Sketch.ConscientiousPathCreated with Sketch.IndependencePathCreated with Sketch.PunctualPathCreated with Sketch.Team workPathCreated with Sketch.Dish washingPathCreated with Sketch.Working under pressurePathCreated with Sketch.Customer servicePathCreated with Sketch.PatiencePathCreated with Sketch.Cleaning
Work environment
Suitable for
Job Tags