Gaeta Gelato
We are making the real Italian gelato in iceland. we have 3 stores around the capital area.

Gelato Server - Part time
We are looking for a friendly and energetic team member to join our gelato shop! Responsibilities include scooping and serving gelato, assisting customers with flavor selections, handling cash and card transactions, maintaining cleanliness, and ensuring a welcoming atmosphere. Ideal candidates are customer-focused, reliable, and able to work in a fast-paced environment. Previous food service experience is a plus, but not required—just bring a great attitude and a love for sweet treats! Flexible hours available.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
- Serving customers
- Scooping gelato
- General Cleaning
- Making sure containers in the display are nice and clean
- Prepairing take-away orders
- Making coffee
Advertisement published11. March 2025
Application deadline23. March 2025
Language skills

Aðalstræti 6, 101 Reykjavík
Laugavegur 107, 105 Reykjavík
Laugavegur 23, 101 Reykjavík
Type of work
Job Tags
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