PLAIO þróar skýjalausnir sem eru sérsniðnar að þörfum samheitalyfjaframleiðenda og gerir þeim kleift að skipuleggja framleiðslu og hráefnisinnkaup á skilvirkan hátt með notendavænni framsetningu.
Kerfið leggur grunn að sjálfvirknivæðingu framleiðsluskipulagningar á grunni bestunaraðferða og gervigreindar.
Viðskiptavinir félagsins hafa náð fram umtalsverðu rekstrarhagræði með notkun lausnarinnar sem gefur aukna yfirsýn, bætir ákvarðanatöku og dregur úr sóun.
PLAIO er vinnustaður sem hefur metnað, einfaldleika og vöxt að leiðarljósi. Við trúum því að með því að halda hlutunum einföldum þá verði lífið betra. Við trúum því að metnaðarfull markmið og metnaður í vinnu skili árangri og skapi vöxt fyrir okkur sem einstaklinga og fyrirtæki.
Við hjálpum fólki að fá lyfin sín á réttum tíma
Við trúum því að saman getum við allt! Komdu og vertu með!
Business Development Specialist
Join PLAIO as a Business Development Specialist. Leverage your expertise in pharma or IT/SaaS to drive adoption of AI-powered planning solutions. Global environment with offices in Copenhagen and Reykjavik. Competitive salary, flexible culture, modern offices.
Play a critical role in identifying and engaging with prospective markets and clients, understanding their unique needs, and showcasing how PLAIO can improve their processes.
Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð
Business Development:
- Be a part of an expanding, vibrant and international business development team.
- Identify and pursue new business opportunities within the pharma, including all segments of the industry.
- Build rapport and follow leads through the sales cycle. Maintain strong relationships with potential clients, understanding their challenges and requirements.
- Lead the development of proposals, presentations, and pitches tailored to the specific needs of prospective customers.
- Support prospect management through our CRM (Hubspot).
Market Expertise:
- Leverage your expertise in pharmaceutical supply chain or IT/SaaS to effectively communicate the value of PLAIO's solutions.
- Stay up-to-date on industry trends, customer challenges, and competitive landscape to refine and adapt business development strategies.
Collaboration & Strategy:
- Work closely with PLAIO’s customer success, professional services and product teams to align on goals and ensure a seamless customer journey.
- Provide feedback to the product team based on customer interactions to inform future development.
Customer Engagement:
- Product demonstrations, and meetings to understand client requirements and present custom product demos when needed.
- Provide strong guidance to customers through the sales process and ensure alignment between customer requirements and PLAIO’s capabilities.
Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur
- A proven track record in pharma supply chain management or business development with focus on IT/SaaS solutions.
- Exceptional communication and relationship-building skills.
- A proactive, positive and results-oriented mindset, with the ability to work independently and collaboratively.
- Experience with CRM tools (Hubspot) and an analytical approach to business development.
- Perfect english language (spoken and written) ability is required.
Fríðindi í starfi
- Be part of an international, innovative team with a dynamic and supportive culture.
- Enjoy a flexible, family-friendly work environment that values work-life balance.
- Access to well-located, modern offices in Iceland or Denmark.
- Competitive salary.
- Paid phone and internet connection.
Advertisement published22. January 2025
Application deadline16. February 2025
Language skills
Bjargargata 1, 102 Reykjavík
Ørestads Blvd. 73, 2300 København, Denmark
Type of work
International businessSalesBusiness relations
Job Tags
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