BS Verktakar
BS Verktakar

Bílastæðamálari / Parking Painter

BS Verktakar leita eftir málara með reynslu af málun bílastæða eða umferðarmerkingum.

Fyrirtækið er til húsa í Skútuvogi (104 Reykjavík) en starfar yfir allt höfuðborgarsvæðið og út um land allt land á tímum. Við erum lítið en rótgróið fyrirtæki, samheldur og fjölbreyttur hópur starfsmanna.

Við leitum að duglegum og einbeittum starfskrafti, reynsla af málun og sprautun er mikill kostur. Sjálfstæð vinnubrögð, skynsemi, skipulag og hreysti þörf.

Vinnutími getur verið ansi fjölbreyttur, veltur á opnunartíma viðskiptavina, veðri og vindum; en nóg vinna í boði fyrir réttan aðila.


BS contractors seek a painter experienced with parking lot and road painting.

We are based in Skútuvogur (104 Reykjavík) but work all over the capital area, and on occasion around the country. We are a small but rooted company with a diverse yet close-knit work force.

We are seeking a deticated and focused individual, experience with painting and spraying is a big plus. Independance, common sense, organization, general heartiness and physical well being are a must.

Working hours can vary a lot, varied by f.e. opening hours of clients, weather etc. But plenty of work available for the right individual.

Helstu verkefni og ábyrgð

Málun og sprautun bílastæða, umferðarmerkingar. Mögulega malbikun.


Painting and spraying parking lots, traffic markings. Possibly some tarmacking.

Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur

Reynsla af málun og/eða sprautun, bílastæða og umferðarmerkingum kostur.


Experience with painting and spraying, of parking lot or roadsides a definitive advantage.

Fríðindi í starfi

Ferðir til og frá vinnu eftir þörfum.

Næg vinna í boði fyrir réttan aðila.

 Gott starfsumhverfi.


Transport to and from work as needed.

Plenty of work to be had.

Good working environment.

Advertisement published22. March 2025
Application deadline28. March 2025
Language skills
No specific language requirements
Type of work
PathCreated with Sketch.Quick learnerPathCreated with Sketch.ProactivePathCreated with Sketch.Building skillsPathCreated with Sketch.Physical fitnessPathCreated with Sketch.PainterPathCreated with Sketch.IndependencePathCreated with Sketch.PlanningPathCreated with Sketch.FlexibilityPathCreated with Sketch.Meticulousness
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